DTC Mo(21)

11 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Here we are in Houston, Nila-madhava Dhama.   Yes, the four daze in Mexico were ecstatic,    i*n*t*e*n*s*e. We arrived at the Temple after a long hard journey and gave the Sunday feast lecture and talked with several devotees and guests.

We took rest about 9.30AM and when our alarm went off we were half conscious and a voice from space said, "Are you sure you want to push your body this hard (get up for Japa Joe)?", and we, half-conscious, said, "No", and went back to sleep until 3.30AM.

Seems it was for the best.

Now it is 9.49AM. We have 18-rounds done. Full morning program in the Temple. SB is starting the chapter of Hiranyakasipu Plans to Become Immortal. Govind is here from Monterrey. She can stay until Thursday. The education meetings start tomorrow. We are starting the work to transfer the money for M. Jambavati DD's dental surgery.

We have essays to catch up for BhVai.

Taking a moment with you to look at everything, things seem to be under pretty good control. Now we will relax a little, do light work and finish reading all the translations for this week's BhVai chapter, M. Prthu Meets the Four Kumaras.

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama!