Hare Krishna Gurudeva!! from Argentina

11 years, 4 months ago by danielfrozero in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva

I hope you are fine.
Here I am, trying
I Devarsi of Buenos Aires , Argentina

                  HpS - ASA -  -  AGTSP. paoho. So, so, so nice to hear from you! Is good to know you are still active, serving Krsna, even in this strange material world.

A long long time no write , I can hardly write , I'm not very good at writing .

HpS - No, you are writing very well.

Lately I've been pretty busy. Divided by working in the Temple Restaurant, and in the office. I'm starting to do some work for the temple treasury .
I am also taking care in ISKCON Argentina communication , publicity , posters, and graphic design .
Many devotees ask me to help with publicity  their nama hattas and others.
Sometimes I feel a bit overloaded , but I really like it , because it is for Krishna .
Honestly while chanting my japa every day, I feel I am offensive to sing , sometimes I can not concentrate on the holy name . Still not stop singing .
For inspiration I went back to read the biography of Srila Prabhupada to Satsvarupa dasa .
I found out in January that ud come to Buenos Aires . I was very happy at the news .
it means to be determined in the spiritual life ?
Thanks for reading my letter and for giving me your time
Sorry for my English (Google Traductor)
I'm a little kid , I write as a young child ajaja, in a body of33 year old

Thank you thank you
My respectful obeisances to you

His servant
Devarsi Narada das

              HpS - ASA - Jaya! Very nice letter. If you write in simple Spanish, Google translate can translate simply. Write with news of the Temple events, your reading and Sankirtana. You asked:

"it means to be determined in the spiritual life ?" I think you mean "What means..".

A Sanskrit world for "determined" is "niscayad". This is discussed in NoI text three. Read about it there and tell us what you think. In BG it is explained with the example of the sparrow who's eggs were stolen by the ocean. Do you know this story?

Basically it means that I will not change my goal even if there are so many obstacles or failures one after another.


We must be determined to get free from Maya so we can serve Krsna properly.