OINK! Govinda! Gracias as Srila Prabhupada!!!!! Gracias!
How are you all! We are surviving and advancing at the root and the toot of the floot!
We Finished, Japa Joe and still have many rounds to go (to 35/day), but Letters to the Editor seemed to fit in.
Now we must do Sri Sri Nara-simha Deva's Puja. He lives in our Bead Bag with out Japa Beads but then -E-x-p-a-n-d-s- Himself to sit o\n the Desk.
Letters answered to 5-days ago. That is tranquil standard for our mind. Better is three days. One or two days is too fast.
We investigated "Social Networks", Face Buk, Google, Twitter, for Sankirtan yesterday. Lacking a lot. This Blog has many advantages. What you think? Other better? We are just supposed to focus on writing, writing environment.
OINK! Oink! HOnk! HOnkkk! HOnk!..