DTC Th(10)

11 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC



It's 6.53PM here in ISKCON (ASA) Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Darker than the inside of a goat outside. Fall has come very quickly in the past few days. It's very depressing because we are alone without another human, what to speak of spiritual, being insight, just the lights of cars passing on the main road and the Sushi Barn and Gas station.

Our memory doesn't always enliven us because we do a lot of little things everyday on different projects, so sometimes it seems that we aren't doing anything for Srila Prabhupada. When we stop and make a list it seems that we are doing something. Of course it is nothing like the really great devotees in ISKCON, but we are aspiring to make a real, unique contribution still.

Hare Krsna.

Our regular Sadhana will save us.

Now we will stop for Gayatri.  Ommmm....

We caught up with the mail to one week ago. We almost caught up with our BhVai reading. Is very very nice chapter, INstructions OF MAharama PRthu. Really it seems like more than one week to go through it and to really appreciate the purports and content would take at least a month of daily classes. Prabhupada especially noted this chapter out of all of our literature for understanding political science.

O.K. Gayatri: At 7.15PM we go with Nitai-gaurasundara and Mataji and maybe Abhiseka to Visnu carana Das' parents house for some evening program. We made very satisfying offerings to Lord Nrsmha deva today. We are learning to prepare the Bhoga better.

Bh. Daniel came by and bought $38 of books.  We talked with Laksmana agra Ja by telefone in Peru for 20-minutes. We listened to M. Urmilla DD's Hawaii class and did our own powerpoint show for tommorrow. It is in the Archives as sb 1.8.45.

Hari Bolo!!!  Now we shall merge into the Mystical Mantras, and have nice Kirtan at VCD parents house w/ NGD MMD and Abhiseka and Syama gopal Das and his wife. They are millionaires I think. Of course Krsna is a $1,000000000000000000000... aire.