Urgent - Fallen Blue Dog

11 years, 4 months ago by Captain Blue Dog in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhuada.

I have several questions that I am curious about.

If a fallen dog were aspiring for some time, following your instruction, 4-regs strictly, 16 rounds, mangala, etc., then either has sex with their wife not for procreation or -messes around in self-abuse- but afterward continue following, have they fallen down completely or is there still hope for them?  Does the 6 months until being a formal aspirant start from when they started following, or from after they fell down and continued following?

If a fallen dog was once renounced, in this life or previously, and they decide to marry, can they still attain the favor of Guru and Gauranga after falling down?  If someone could be renounced, but they have a desire to marry, are they foolish and fallen?  If someone has attachment to women, are they too fallen for initiation?  Any advice for thinking of Krishna 100% so that thoughts of women do not occur and attachment to them can go away?

If someone has severe pain or surgery or similar, is it a fall down to take pain medicine because it is also an intoxicant?

Many things are said about chanting while driving or in a car.  Is it okay to chant in a car, or are their circumstances where it is okay?

Any advice to help with thinking of others in a service mood instead of thinking selfishly?  Sometimes even we can do service for Krishna for our own benefit, with thoughts like "I will go to mangala arati for Guru Maharaja, because he instructed me to and to please him.  And because I very much want initiation so that I can begin spiritual life and begin trying to love Krishna and His servants."  That desire could be selfish, thinking of ourselves, our benefit, our purification, our advancement in Krishna consciousness, our relationship with Krishna, our ability to love Krishna due to having the seed of bhakti lata.  But I feel it may be bad to think of ourselves in that way.  Please give instruction on this point, is it better to approach all service thinking "I will go to mangala arati for Guru Maharaja, to please him and Gauranga in the association of His devotees." and not for ourselves as above?

How can we center our thoughts on serving others instead of ourselves?  I feel like my desire to serve Krishna and have a relationship with Him could be selfish and greedy.  Who am I to say I am qualified to serve Krishna, or His servant or even the servant of His servant?  How could I ever expect to please Him when no matter what I do is tiny compared to His reciprocation?  Anything I do feels insignificant, and I lament that I have material desires and do not feel qualified to serve.

"In the course of traversing the universal creation of Brahmā, some fortunate soul may receive the seed of bhakti-latā, the creeper of devotional service. This is all by the grace of guru and Kṛṣṇa." (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya 19.151)

From this text we see that it is only by the grace of Guru and Krishna that we can receive the seed of bhakti-lata.  Not by our own efforts or desires.  Please kindly instruct and correct us so that we may have your grace, and so that we refrain from thinking it is by some effort of our own that we could possibly receive such mercy.

"Kṛṣṇa will surely protect me and give me help for the successful execution of devotional service."

Yes, as much as I am in anxiety that I cannot be qualified to serve, I do not doubt that Krishna will protect me and give me help to serve Him.  I feel enthusiastic to serve Him, but I am a fallen dog.

"Devotional service is so pure and perfect that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to ultimate success. Sometimes a person will give up his ordinary material engagements and out of sentiment take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord and thus begin the preliminary execution of devotional service. Even if such an immature devotee falls down, there is no loss on his part. On the other hand, what is the gain of one who executes the prescribed duties according to his varṇa and āśrama but does not take to devotional service? Although a fallen devotee may take his next birth in a low family, his devotional service will nonetheless resume from where it left off."

This exerpt from NOI 3 is one I have refered to several times for solace.  We may have taken birth in a low family this time, we may have fallen down, but our service will resume.  It answers many of my questions above, but hearing submissively from Guru is also encouraging.  Please kindly instruct and correct our misconceptions.

I am also trying to be patient, but I struggle with patience.  Krishna seems so far away, even though He is so close.  I have not entered into His family yet.

Aspiring to be your servant,
Captain Blue Dog

ASA (Buck White) - AGTSP.  paoho.  Honey-chil' you got too many questions on yur scrambled brain!!!!   We just started scann'n them after numbr' six!

1) Yes, six months of following strictly you can be a FORMAL ASPIRANT.

Six months more first initiation.

ONe year more minimum mum mum and you can go on the altar and touch the Lord. . . Smoke a joint! Go to jail!... . .  Or at least you must follow the process for one year before you go back on the altar and touch the Deity.

This has practical effect.

If you get initiated, touch the Deities, and you are not ready then. Zing!   BiNg!!  Zong... Your material desires will INCREASE!   And you will go down in a ball of fire!
   So, fix you mind upon following.
And then send in shorter reports with a question for each one report!

O.K?      Colonel Pink Pig! !!!       YOur fallen servant.