Silver Star, Golden Moon

11 years, 3 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

October 7, 2013

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

From July in San Jose:

Submitting a combined correspondence here, originating from Ekadasi day , reflecting on the past week-end in your association and occasional blurbs from current insanity.

Your discourses and class responses have triggered a lot of personal epiphanies and I must confess this is not unusual in your company… must be something in the stratosphere.

The aspect of professional maturity struck a nerve. In devotee relationships towards many professional there are sometimes disassociated attitudes, such as in “Karmie” labels, etcetera, this does not fulfill the maturity that Srila Prabhupada kept in his business dealings. A good example of professional relations and preaching would be his grace Vaisesika Prabhu, excellent dovetailing.

Science and spontaneity was an advanced and personal touch on the empirical concepts. You actually infused the joys of science and discovery that is included in research. Plus elaborating on personal positions of scientists like Newton with their ages in career, their individual perspectives and lives…putting the human back into the nature of mental prowess, something that many scientists forget.

Sevaholic’s like me need to let go and let Krsna guide more appropriate service, opposed to my selfish motives, like “I want to do this, not that.” Though now I’ve started a project…have to finish, glad it is for Rathayatra. Will keep you posted.

From October at home:

Hare Bolo!

Just finished your latest Kapi-Dhvaja and did note its brevity, obviously it was for good reasons, Seva-Prema.

My staggered correspondence here may not be for a “good reason" but I'll work with I got...a "passionate reason",the show must go on, as they say, Duty before dishonor, etcetera.

Glad to hear from you and glad the Tennessee Rathayatra was a success. Please try to keep moderation in service Maharaja, need more quality than quantity as time carry’s us further, guess a case of potency invoked x108, difficult to preach if Brother Ass is down.

Briefly mentioned my left arm damage (happened at work), and the Doc said R & R. Seems that the extensor carpi radiallis longus (the top muscle of the upper forearm)  is upset with my overt labor and has been strained, who can blame it…over 5 decades of use…so we rest (and type carefully).

While recuperating I went to our High School’s 40th Anniversary Saturday night, was interesting. Many haven’t changed, just aged, including me.  I was cautious, limited association and then distributed about a hundred “M a g i c” prasad cookies and Five books, then ran outta’ there. Promptly exiting stage left through the side-door I was almost free… then three Ol’ ladies (who I went to elementary school with) blocked the sidewalk, surrounded me and offered Marijuana, hugs and praise of my physical appearance. Was the scariest part of the evening, so quickly I whipped out a couple of “Beyond Birth and Death” books and said, “ Here’s something to really hold-on to”. They took the books and I left em’ smilin’. Mission accomplished, whew…that was close!

Looking forward to the Texas tour in November, we are booked, now to get venues dialed in; majority of the tour will be in procuring mass quantities of prasadam and distribution thereof. Appreciate all your input on this matter for this is all new territory for us and potential service could be expanded. Fortunately, the Sri Krsna won’t give us more than we can handle, now to be careful not to get greedy and ruin and my inflated ego.

Speaking of ego enclosed pics of my latest art-work. Some business cards for undercover preaching, so far so good. Haven’t started a new cult or anything but am getting a positive response from the homeless prasadam recipients. May take more time…

All Glories to your service, thank you for your most valuable time!

Your servant in training,


                HpS - ASA - Jaya.... AGTSP....  paoho.....  Very nice cards!!!   We made it to Texas, Houston, but just for the night.   Did the Subhra DD go with you to the reunion?

We sure hope your kirtan in modesto expands!!   That's enough: Kirtan, lecture, kirtan, prasadam!!!!   We really try to take care of our buddy [body] but we get bored being our own beloved then we try to have rasa through sense gratification.       .......... ...  Gauranga.  O.K.  next letter from you!