Mayapur Academy and Sadhana Report .

11 years, 3 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Other


Dear Gurueva. i hope your health is good. Please keep praying for me to Krishna !! thank you very much for your services, time and everything ! I just wish to have the opportunity to be with you and serve you.

Mayapur Academy: I need a letter of recomendation for study diety worship course, can you send me it to my e-mail : [email protected]. please !!

News: I'm doing the services of  manager of the corn and ice cream shop. 

Sadhana Report: I wake up almost everyday for mangala artik and 16 rounds !! 

Thank you very much for your inspiration !!! vanca kalpa!! 

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We sent this:


Esteemed Directors, Mayapura Academy,
Paoho....  This letter is to express our approval for our ISKCON disciple, Caitanya-candro-daya Das to participate in your glorious Arcana classes. As far as we know from our remote situation and good communication he is acting to a very practical standard to study the process of Deity worship with you to advance in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtana.
Please contact us if you haver any questions.
Your servants,
Hanumatpresaka Swami
Anjana Suta Academy: