11 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡



Last Sunday we had a very nice meeting in Chosica mandir ¡¡¡

The Harinam Ruci party is visiting us and the whole temple was flooded with the Holy name of the Lord ¡¡¡

 Were presents:

Rohini dd

Laksman agraja das

Yugala Kishora dasi


We covered the following topics:

The importance of the vaisnava relations rather than the administrative relations

The importance of communication

LAD presented a written proposal of how the board, the meetings, and the functions for each member should be

We all discussed each point and make some resolutions

M Rohini will work in the statutes of NIMSAR and will send them to our emails for our revision and discussion

We had a very nice discussion about how to spend our incomes in order to continue preaching ¡¡ in this point we need your enlightment

So We are really looking forward to have a meeting with You when U visit Peru ¡¡¡

We remember again that U asked that all of NIMSAR members MUST send to the secretary the names of their students and emails

I have to say that so far NOBODY has done that so what to do??? <img alt="angry" src="" title="angry" /> i Just have the list of Patraka das and  yugala kishor told me that she will give me the names of her students soon ¡¡

Next meeting ¡¡¡the president and the secretary will inform ¡¡¡ They are in constantly communication

Thank U all so much for all iur patience <img alt="" src="" title="" />

Your eternal servant,


asa - AGTSP. paoho. so, we give one week for complete lists to be turned in or asa undiferentiated, absolute, supreme comando will take action. probably require that all non-reporting tutors immediately communicate to their students that they are no longer authorized by ASA to teach with copy of letter to ASA... If that is not done then more severe sanctions. Jaya Sugriva!