
11 years, 2 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances. Haribolo Maharaja,

I am chanting 16 daily rounds and doing decoration service at "Dasanudasa" Festival here at Argentina mandire. One Sunday per month I do administrative service in temple, collecting money to help temple expenses, I do also offer my assitance at Lila Mohini´s Nama Hatta ,and keep assisting to Bhakti Yoga introduction course (This is last module, then I´ll begin Disciple course).
To answer to your question in last letter, I do actually live with my boyfriend (We´re together  for 4 years) and my family is integrated by my mom and 6 brothers, the little ones usually go to Jiva Goswami´s house, to see deities there (We´d live just half block of distance from Gupta Vrndavana dham , in Bernal town , Buenos Aires).
Bhakti Yoga introduction course is given by Maha Hari Das. I´ve meet you in 2009, during Bs.As Ratha Yatra, and since that moment I felt in my heart that you´ll be my Guru, but just since a few I´d really understood the importance of having a Guru .
I´ve spoke with Temple president (Maha Hari Das) and approve the formal exam, and he told me that I had his recommendation, and that I should write you to ask for your shelter (Siksa). If it´s possible and your desire, please let me know an email address where Maha Hari Das can send you the recommendation letter.
I hope you´re being in good healt Maharaja, best wishes.
Bhaktin Lara
HpS - ASA - AGTSP.....    Very nice letter. Why not formalize the marriage relation? I'm surprised that Maha-hari Das would send a letter of recomendation without formalizing the marriage. This is a requirement from the GBC body and Guna-grahi Swami is so strict about this.   Is there some legal problem?   It seems like a formality, but not without meaning. What is your husbands name? Is he also chanting rounds? Are you all following four principles in your daily life???