Hare Krsna

11 years, 5 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports
All glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Patita Pavana.
All Glories to you
Please accept my humble obeisances to yours and Srila Prabhupada holy lotus feet.
I keep chanting the holy names to your health improve! 
GuruMaharaja I commence to regularize my sadhana 16 rounds ok, 4 pples ok. 
I have not a lot of things to say more than you know. 
I keep worshipping Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Nataraja, Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Tulasi Devi. Bhakti Sastri (remember, listener mode, no exams) Sankirtana started to occupy my time (Jaya) I always thinking how can expand the movement of Lord Caitanya. My preach is really poor, but Krsna is giving me things where I can be usefull. The devotees have many patience with me, and teach me many things, I’m so grateful from them association. 
NIMITTA MATRAM: far from it, but also very convinced…………….
Please Gurudeva bless me, for use my intelligence for the lord.
The independent business lady ha ha ha……….. keep working like a donkey but trying to spiritualize the job and the conciusness (BG 9.27 Y 9.28 trying so hard………..)
How to act the devotee who see the unhealthy competition among devotees?

In the event that they are new, how is it possible to care?
Thanks GuruMaharaja for your mercy and for occupy me in Devotional Service. Please bless me to stay always close to devotees.
Your aspirant to servant.
RatiManjari DeviDasi
      HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       paoho.    Tku ur letter...   Always we have to see the individual situation to give individual advice. You have to see each person differently, but in general NOI 4 and 5. There are different levels of devotees and they compete for different reasons.  The Gopis, Srimati Radharani and Candravali also compete, but they feel good after each competition. They like having the competition. It allows them to improve Their own service.
Kanistha adhikari competes for material reasons a lot. He wants fame, mystical powers, mystical sense gratification, position in religious society...   +PEACE+  (Freedom from suffering).  Mukti.
Madhyama adhikari can keep his material desires under control and uses the competition to stimulate his purification, to try and be of some real help.
We have to instruct new devotees like I am instructing you!!