Hare Krsna respected Gurudeva
I am writing this letter because I strongly think. This is going to be very useful for everybody.
I have heard that many male devotees say: "We have to take care of Gurumaharaja, many Gurus have fallen down". "This mataji is always in the service of GM" we have to be careful with her, etc. So my first reaction is relate these comments to U, because me as a lady I think that if the devotees are saying that it means that they do not trust their Gurus at all.
U by your example are always teaching us how to relate with a sanyasi not only with U. U are never alone with a lady not even by email... And we have meetings on internet if no male devotee is present You record the meeting ¡¡¡¡
And when we travel with U... We do not talk at all and U just watch us from distance to see if everything is ok with us...
However, I understand that nobody is free from falling down.
ASA - AGTSP, paoho, except Maha-visnu, maybe.
SO the question is how we as your female disciple should relate to U and any Guru? I guess that we have the right to serve U and our Siksas Gurus but how to do it so this may not be a concern for the mentality of others devotees.
We as mothers must also take care of the mentality of the prabhus acting with chastity and shyness. But honestly with all the comments that I mentioned above now I am afraid of act in a way that may perturbe someone. So please enlight us.
When Srila Prabhupada was present it seems to me that Godbrothers and Godsisters act a family. Nowadays it seems that everything is a competition " El show del Guru"
Thank U all so much
Trying to be iur disciple
Candramukhi dd
HpS-ASA - Hmmmmm. AgtSP. Paoho. Is very nice letter, topic. It is also a very big topic. Concern should not be to protect just "Guru" but everyone.
According to this formula, the gosvāmīs who are descendants of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Śrī Advaita Prabhu are certainly devotees, but devotees coming from other families should not be discriminated against; indeed, whether the devotees come from a family of previous ācāryas or from an ordinary family, they should be treated equally. One should not think, "Oh, here is an American gosvāmī," and discriminate against him.
....according to the statements of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī in this verse, an American gosvāmī and a gosvāmī in a family of ācāryas are nondifferent.
...This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is a transcendental science, and there is no room for jealousy. ... As soon as anyone becomes envious, he falls from the platform of paramahaṁsa.
We can fall down because of lust for association with the opposite sex, or desire for public power or to glorify out Big Intellect.... Or...
.... but specific topic you have suggested we think the essence is the example of Prabhupada. He is our Founder and ACHARYA. He sets the example. He explains it it his book.
Sannyasi, Brahmacari are allowed short term contact with opposite sex for preaching purposes and this should always be in public. They should never converse in private. Private means any place that they could discuss illicit sex and no one would no.
So disciples can associate with their Guru of the opposite sex, male or female, in public places and should not be too much extended. Of course this is bodily association. The real association is more through Vani than Vapu. Lord Caitanya had 3 and 1/2 intimate associates: Svarupa Damodara, Ramanda Rai, Sikhi mahiti and Sikhi Mahitis sister. Of course, she never came within vision of Him when He was a Sannyasi and He would never even hear the name of a woman, but she was one of the 4 most intimate associates.
O.K? We are Vaisnavas then we apply VAD in terms of that.
It may be that a Sannyasis most intimate disciple is a lady, but externally we will see the proper VAD etiquiete.
Robust topic.
Detailed questions?
Comments from Uthers?
6.06PM - Now we go to NGD house. Quick DTC!
Thank you..