Thank you for your kindness and blessings!

11 years, 3 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Parampara

All glories to the Sankirtana Movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

First i want to tank you for all your endeavor for serving Srila Prabhupada in his preaching mission all over the world, and for taking so many stress and pain for your body in order to help us all to transform at least one drop of our lust into love for Krishna! here we are all wating very enthusiastic for 16 oct to come!

By your mercy and your disciple's i have been able to get so many realizations this few time, im getting more and more encouraged to serve Krishna for the rest of my life, to serve Krishna as my life. 3 days ago, when i went to Irapuato city for my university class, i stayed there for practical reasons and i dreamed of you, (making it shorter) i was cleaning a small temple along with Mother Jambavati, listening a lecture of you in speakers; suddently you said, "but, i'm actually here" so mataji and me turned the head just to find out that the Vyasasana was situated as if someone was giving SB lecture, then i felt your presence right there, as you was saying in the recording... i feel very very inspirated since i had that experience, that you are actually here with us, supporting and helping us, ¡Thank you!

Finally i just want to ask you what can i do to achieve your mercy?

your dumb, yet sincere aspiring servant

Bhakta Christian

              HpS - Ha!    Ha!    Ha!     AGTSP.  paoho.   We are regular DOGS in the service of Krsna.  Hansadutta Das told us that Srila Prabhupada told him that the Spiritual Master does not do anything unusual. He gives BG classes, does Sankirtan... but through him the Supersoul does many things.

We all should become Gurus by being humble servants of our Spiritual Master.

Try to understand Krsna and follow His advice.

To get "our" mercy you just have to go on doing what you are doing and trying to improve it!!!

Photo:   Very interesting!   The Deities here in Nitai-Gaurasundara's house are one of three sets made from the same mold. They are the same as Radha Natabara in Ohio.