bhaktina teresa

11 years, 3 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

I wrote to U with so much shame and regret for not have been able to write to you, I am a very bad and sinful person,

           ASA - AGTSP....   paoho.   is common in this world.

....but at this moment I have decided to write to You because You and Gaura Nitai 's mercy drift me apart from ignorance. I want to know how are You?

                 ASA - Like you will be after 35 years of doing your best to be a devotee!

I have been needed your instruccions for a long time. I just want to tell U that I am following the 4 principles , Now I chant 10 rounds due to my studies but is that an excuse not to chant 16??

               ASA - No, not really!  CHant 16 rounds and studies will adjust better!!

I need to chant them all but I did not find time, GM I will never again stop to write to U because You, Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya get me away from illusion, I am eternally grateful for all your mercy GM Trying to be useful bna teresa.


                           ASA - Teresa de Avilla!       Chant and make a lot of nice friends at school!!!!