11 years, 3 months ago by marcos in Other

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami, PAMHO, AGTSP!!

My name is Marcos maybe you should recognize me from my nick in japa joe (I don’t connect from some days ago I will try to do it again in a few days) Im one of the friends of Jaramara.

My desire to write you is to introduce myself with the finally that you know me a little more not only like a nick in a web, tell something about my nexts plans and ask you for some advices. I hope not to bore you or the audience of this blog I will try not to do a big letter!!

My life starts in 1991, I grew up in a city calls Santander at the north of Spain, I went to a catholic school, I had a very good childhood and this period of my life was really cool and positive.

The last year of school I met Jaramara cause I began to do Stand Up Paddle and he was my teacher on a surfschool (a sport very similar to surfing, I was surfing from four years ago before that), in this summer we began a very good relation and in the nexts months we usually went together to surf.

After this summer I went to Deusto University in Bilbao (one of the biggest cities of the north) and I started my studies of Social Education. This university degree had a duration of four years and it consist in the study of how to apply different types of educational and physiological methods to people that are in a very difficult social situation (jails, drugs, orphans, migrations, women with problem of violence at her house, etc…) with the finally to try to reinsert in different level of the society.

At the second year of university Jaramara gaves me the best present of my life a BHAGAVAD GHITA (YIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!) this book gave me another perception of the life. From some years ago before this moment I started to investigate the different religions (Orient and Occident) I read many things about different catholics teologhyst but I didn’t find racionals arguments to demostrate in a scientific and racional words that god exists.

The interfaith dialogue is a topic that I love and Im very much influenced from diferents traditions. I usually read text from the bible, Confucio, Kebra Nagast (one of the important texts from Rastafarian movement), Tao te king, and something more… This type of interest lead me to do in cooperation with the theological faculty of Deusto (is a Jesuit university) my work of university (it’s an investigation that you must to do the last year) “the importance of the religious fact in the social intervention “ I had a very good punctuation and I finally the university period.

In December of 2012 I started to chant some rounds, in January I went to Madrid with Jaramara Prabhu and I visited from first time in my life a temple, and in march-april I began to follow the 4 principal regulations and chant 16 round everyday (when I finished to read bhagavad ghita my third year university I became vegetarian).

This summer I was living and work with Jaramara and Marta and I learned many things of these devotees and of the rest Madrid congregation! All of them are very special!!!  

In the next months I hope to work and live with Jivatattva in “Madre Tierra- ecovillage” and the weekends go to Madrid to meet with all the devotees of the city!!!! i hope to study and work a lot (I never work in something of agriculture) I hope to learn how to have a good sadhana (wake up early!!!!!!!! Mmmmmm I love the bed) and more things!!! When I finish this period I would like to go to live to a temple for some period of time but this is to January or February of 2014. What do you think¿? Is it good idea¿?

In some days I will go with my family to Israel I never go to a pilgrimage spot (lugar de peregrinacion) we will visit different spots and churches (we will go with the Franciscans) and I want to ask you for some instructions or advices for this type of spots, could you recommend something to have a good experience please?¿

I hope not to bore you with the letter… please feel free to say anything!!! I hope to meet you personally soon!!!

Muchas gracias por leer  esta carta y por su inspiración constante!


                   HpS - ASA --- AGTSP    is very nice letter. and nice to know you.  When you go to holy places look for holy people who are there.   There will be other people like you and MAYBE some holy people who live there .  Then listen to them and ask them questions. about what is this world and how to go to Krsna!!

Your plan for spiritual life seems fine.  do it and give us news!!!!!!!!!!