Vraja bhandar

11 years, 6 months ago by radhacaranadasi in Other
All glories to Sri Sri Radhe Syam!!


All glories to you

please accept my humble obeisances 
Dear Gurudev
I apologize for not write before, I hope're very good, I've been reading the Kapi dvaja
 and at the moment i heard you are in America?.i tried to enter the blog many times but somehow my account got block,
but i sent you a letter  with Caytanya p. i couldnt see if you answered in the blog, so Tungavidya M gave me this email, but i couldn't sent maybe this mail it's espired.
 Day by day im getting more happy to be in Vraj, im still doing my service in the school: num 1. art classes, 
num 2. Now we are organizing a cleaning program in All Vraj, my rounds are getting better but I have to get better at organizing my time
 ..... I have a lot of work  between school work, sadhana and painting deities (this is the ways how can give to my gopal his daily ladhu). 
The association of Tungavidya M and her beautiful family is helping me a lot, one day we were talking and I asked to her that i dont know what to do?
 some Babas asked me to paint their temple deitie's, which are sometimes Silas and  i dont think that im cualified to touch them,
 They also asked me to paint the walls of Radha kunda which im planing to do as soon as we get donations for the paints, 
I feel very lucky to be here and everything
that daily comes from the  beloved Srimati Radharani its to sweet for me, I look forward to progress a little  in this year, when are you planing to come to Vraj? i have many places to show you. We hope to have your  asociation soon here.

please forgive me my offences .... and the lack of seriousness in letter..

i attached a picture of the madhukari monkeys
Radha Carana d
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              HpS - ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  Oooof!                 So fortunate to live in Vrndavana.  Forget everything else we have ever learned and live in Vrndavana.     Seems you got through tothe Blog.   This is where we live.  Your news of Vraja is like nectar for us.   We hope to get to Vrndavana very soon.          Our respects to Tungav. DD and everyone....    Just the dust in Vrndavana is glorious.  Bad things are fine!    We can't see the picture!!
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