Bhakta Christian raising from dust =D

11 years, 6 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your softly apple blossom feet

                ASA - AGTSP.....  Oink!      Oink!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga

I'm sorry for having not write before, i have just recover my mind from the past struggles for adjusting rithms

last time i wrote to you, i was studying SB and doing BBT service, with a nice sadhana, going nice controlling tongue and saving my prasad for next day ;)

The past 27/07 i went for my first day in school (lic. in philology) (since 4-5 years no studying "wordly") it was very exciting, nevertheless, very shocking, i will just present at school once every 2 weeks on saturday, the rest of the time i'm on my own, making research work to present my printed documets to the professor next module, im having bad time to adjust myself and balance BBT service, practical service, sankirtana (actually its almost 2 days per month), making homework and also try to read SP's Books!

In the closing party of Pada-Padma and Bhakti-Sastri the 10th August the prasadam was almost 9-10 oclock so i was really hungry and took dinner (i could not keep the no-dinner vow for 4-july-2014) next day happened the same thing when we moved all of our things to the home back in the town.

After all the rigor i put into myself for advancing in BBT service during the whole curse, i fell asleep on my laurels and took several days of lazyness!! just doing mangalaratik, japa and watching some movies during the day(K.C. and even Karmi) doing just the homework but no BBT for all this week (since monday untill Ekadasi) there i took some inspiration to fast and doing extra japa and 12 Hours of BBT service! i felt so nice.

The thing is all those ups and downs are completely Pasion mode, and with the time i know if i keep like this i will not last maintaining my service, neither the study, i need your blessings and a drop of   enthusiasm and inspiration to improve myself and get the desire to reach at least Goodnes platform.

Thank you for taking your valuable time helping this little little boy

Your ever-aspiring servant

Bhakta Christian

             ASA - Jaya!       We are facing the SAME problems by moving into our office here in Tennessee and trying to focus our service more on writing what we see as essential. We have the same "falldowns" but maybe because we have more experience than you, maybe we start making adjustments faster than you. It is a challenge but fun. On the other hand, even though we may have more experience than you, you may be more sincere than we are so maybe you can adjust faster.

Learning Sadhana bhakti means learning how to do it in many circumstances.  Then we can responded quickly to changes like good soldiers!!!