Once again NIMSAR ¡¡¡¡¡

11 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡|
We hope this meets U in really good health.
            HpS - ASA - AGTSP....   paoho.      Really good health in the material world is a joke...  They say that Srila Prabhupada said the this body doesn't get diseases.   This body is a disease.  (Ho.  Ho. Hare!!).   So, got this that old-aged donkey problem, but only heavy thing is the feet swelling and that seems to be better.  Same for your body, no???    Krsna uses all this to educate us!!
Last sunday the 11th we had a very very nice meeting with Anandamaya Prabhu at all   [et al]¡¡¡ 
As u see we are moving one nicely thanks to Your blessings ¡¡¡¡
We reported that we will start our classes for Introduction of Bhakti Yoga, Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibha on September 2nd ¡¡¡
The publicity and registration will be from August 18th to August 28th Sri Krsna Janmastami ¡¡¡ JAY
We have the support of Chosica authorities in order to develop  NIMSAR 's programs.
P. Anandamaya expressed his  concern for Chosica's  education and in many aspects he agrees with the objectives of  NIMSAR
He suggested that the course Introduction of Bhakti Yoga may be called  Vedic Culture.
                 HpS - ASA  -   Hmmm.  Nice idea: Vedic Samskrit, I think.
He said that it is mandatory to give emphasis on the relationship of fidelity that ISKCON members must have to Srila Prabhupada, our gurus and be careful with the relationship with other groups.
Managers Meeting Education:
NIMSAR Statutes  is in process of revision until this week.
The managers of the three areas of study are  meet online every Friday at 4 PM. In their next meetings will develop the  curriculum of the Bhakti Yoga Classes.
LAD will reorganize  and improve the Introduction of  Bhakti Yoga modules.
We are going to talk with the devotees who are in charge of Wilson and New Ksetra dham  in order to work together ¡¡¡¡  and also to ask for blessings  to continue with our preaching ¡¡¡¡
The first conversation with M Ganga was very nice but she told us that she must talk to Jivashakti prabhu ---------- 
We are only capable to go ahead for Srila Prabhupada's mercy ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡, Yours and Specially for the mercy of Our Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madana Bihari
Thank U all so much for your inspiration and daily association
Your servants
                  HpS - ASA - We heard that all three Centers approved the courses.  Very nice.  We alsoheard that there is some anxiety that members don't develop independent courses. Is always an area of conflict and of course with sincerity we resolve this stuff with benefit to all.
We had 1-1/2 hour Bh. Vai. and general meeting with LAD, Yugala-kishore Dasi and Bhakta Brian Tellez from Mexico this morning.  Was very nice questions from the stimulation of thinking of Daksa and Dhruva's character.
       LAD is working on programs with Cantuta again.    Our attitude now is not to adjust our NIOS programs to facilitate university programs, rather they have to adjust their programs to match our interests and focuses.  We are not directly focused on the Song of Songs now.  We are focused on Carl Jung.  Again, Prabhupada said that amongst all of them [Western philosophers] he seemed to have the most sense.
Let us stay in touch like this.   It is real progress.
Piggy is suggesting that Nimsar and Sattva merge. He says they could be called, "Satsar". Monkey says that he must be joking.