Nimsar report

11 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva¡¡¡



Hope U feel better by now.

           ASA -  AGTSP     paoho.   We are miserable, like you and everyone else.  Feet are swollen.  Head ache coming from answering 25 letters, but is not cold and damp to death like Lima.  Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!

We were really worried for not seeing U at Japa Joe ¡¡¡ Utsahan ¡¡¡

All the members of NIMSAR try to follow your standar because the blessings are when we follow the instruction... Thanks for your inspiration.

As You know we had a meeting in chosica July 28th (Independence day for Peruvians).. The deities were Gorgeous and there were a very nice festival that day on the temple 

LAD suggested that it will be good to have  a general coordinator for education that works with the coordinator of each temple
It was explained that Nimsar is affiliated to ASA, under the jurisdiction of Tamohara Das. In Peru it is expected that  NIMSAR  has the same relationship with the temple that Bhaktivedanta College has with the temple. Independent but integrated with the management of the temple.
Regarding to the Introduction of Bhakti Yoga  the authorities suggested including   Courses for disciples
One suggestion is to locate  people according to their propensities
And later there can be courses for Communication, administration, etc..
It is suggested that when we give courses we should wear  devotional clothes.
It is suggested to give training for  monks
P. Jaga Jivan  said that He can invite  Visudha Sattva (Cosmology and other courses)
We made the  announcement the begining  NIMSAR courses on September 28th 
  P. Jagajivan talked to some disciples from HH HpS, he was concerned about the threat of political influence among some disciples against the authorities, he said that he  appreciate, respect and follow the advice of HH HpS and P. Jagajivan promised to write an  apology to the blog.
The coordinators of each program in NIMSAR discussed about costs of each course,percentage for NIMSAR
Bhakti vaibhava starts in La Paz Bolivia in August 
Bhakti vaibhava in Lima registration, invitation, for August 13th the advertisement will be ready.
We will present calendars,scheduling, Will be presented calendars, scheduling and books of BS, BV, IBY (Introduction to Bhakti Yoga).
¨ Next department coordinators meeting on Friday, 2nd  4 pm via Skype.
There is one temple manager, one coordinator and one tutor, in the meeting we will discuss the role of each one.
We noticed the necessity to update the study guides.
The three coordinators of each department will also be part of the commission to create the guide for Introduction to Bhakti yoga.
Thank u all so much Gurudeva for all your inspiration, blessings and shelter ¡¡¡ We feel so blessed to have your guidance ¡¡¡¡
Hope to see U soon 
Our eternal servants
              HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  Thank you  so much for such a nice report.  So, nice.  We can make progress and then pass it on to the next generation.  It is 4.24PM.  We have been doing letters for long time.  We continue.  SOme more fruit prasadam.  Yes, NIMSAR has lot of work to do.