DTC We(31)

11 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

               A G T S P!    (((paoho)    Sunday night we started to get  a little fever and then at midnight we woke up with strong fever.  We joined our Japa workshop but by the end our body was going into chills and convulsions so bad that we could not even type on the keyboard.     So hid under our blankets and after 1/2-hour we were O.K.  Nitai-gaurasundara is MD so he suggested is a very virulent virus that is going around (maybe compounded by too much chile in the subji for us),   We've barley been able to walk to the bath room, only taking little liquid for two days, but today. Wednesday we can sit at the keyboard.  Hope its over. Try to honor some bread and milk Prasadam withour vomiting.

The work between NIOS and Goloka education is advancing very nicely. Will airfreight about 10-sets of the Sanskrit course to USA and offer them to those who want to join us pioneering them ($100/ea) with personally supported, local study partner on-line, certificated curriculum.

Also, with Houston we are breaking into more detailed study groups to consider exactly the different options for starting the Primary school there.

O.K.  We look for URGENT letters, and hope to be back on line for Japa Joes tommorrow.