DTC Sa (27)

11 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP.   Paoho.  It is 10.51PM.  We are starting to get little headache.  We have 25/26 daily rounds done. We had a little extra nap time today so should be O.K. to write a little more and then rest until 1.15AM for   --- JAPA JOE---.   We are getting a regular resting pattern now that we have a regular Ashrama.   Our ASA Office, cave, is about 87% perfect. Few mosquitos, 85/28 degrees farenheit/celcius. May get better ventilation system going.

We'll attach our Weekly Report to Dr. Samaresh below. It tells a lot.

Also, get to the NIMSAR report right away and then some other m m m mail!!

Hare Krsna!!  Hare Krsna!!!  Better to die serving Krsna!


Jaya Sri Krsna !
Esteemed Professor Samaresh et al,
We hope this meets you in the best of spirits.
1) MUSEUM VOLUME: We are forwarding the latest foto of Professor Dolores Chavez under separate letter. Dr. Ravi Singh says that the Foreword that we wrote is fine. Did you get it?  Is it acceptable. Seems that our NIOS distribution agent in India can be Goloka Education. They have been printing in Kolkatta but want to move their printer to Mumbai where they are located. Then they could possible print this volume there and distribute it easily. We should discuss this, no? By reports of Sanjay and our own mailings ALL the Felicitations volumes and the reprints have arrived.
3) Our NIOS Office is about 87% working and we are getting so much work done. We are very happy.
4) Our own writing project in Sankya and Carl Jung is going well. We have almost finished reading his classic, "Tavistock Lectures", and there is so much to show contrast and comparison with Western science. Next we will read his auto-biography and look at the recently published private diary. Then we should be able to write something as a basic perspective and maybe even have it co-published in a peer reviewed journal with Dr. Ravi since he is psychiatrist.
5) We have been having regular meetings with Goloka Education and we are working to make NIOS their official, legal representative in USA. NIOS would especially work in three areas:
     a. Promoting, marketing, GE publications, specifically their Sanskrit kit for ages 5-7. Radhika reviewed it and says that there is nothing even close to it for the non-Indian market and it should revolutionize Sanskrit learning in the West and even India.  We are going to have then send a copy of the set to the Nil-kamal.
     b. Marketing Goloka Kids, which is a fully supported, monitored, pre-school franchise for education from 2-4 years.
     c. Public school, K-12 school development to the Camast standard. This is the new co-operation between Cambridge University and the ISKCON related, Krsna Avanti schools, in UK.  This is starting with ISKCON Houston which has opportunity to start a 120 student primary school by next March.
6) With the Goloka Education in motion, we can systematically turn our attention to distributing the esteemed Felicitations Volume, agreement with Rabindra-bharati and other publications in this area.
             We will have the extreme honor of trying to talk with you Sunday at 9.30PM