DTC We(24)

11 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   paoho

Well.  Our internet, Comcast, was supposed to come today like 10AM. Then they were to come at 5-7PM.  At 7.20PM they had not come so we came over to Nitai-gaurasundara's home to go for our regular evening walk. It takes 45-minutes.

Mother Mina was on the phone waiting for 30-minutes and could not get past the waiting machine to reschedule the appointment to install the service. We are squeezing this message out at NGD's home at 9.04PM.  We made a power point show for the Friday, Hawaii class today, and read a lot of Carl Jung.

Our eyes are having a hard time focusing for very long but we are learning to adjust. We did our 26-rounds today, and a we, Monkey, did a lot of work on our hand-written journal.

O.K.  Look for Urgent letters and go take rest!

Maybe will have internet in our cave soon.