about New Nilacala Mandir

11 years, 7 months ago by AKD in Special Category A

Please Accept my humble Obeissances

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad, and Sankirtan Moviment, and all glory to ISKCON's devotees to just job to like Srila Prabhupad

Dear Gurudeva

I'm keep with the program in Guadalajara but there is a trouble and Prabhu Adoksaja, doesn't that me stay on the Mandira asram, Mathaji Radika have some troubles with him and say me to hold me out till will make a good trade.

but there is another trouble, we don't know about Mataji Radhika, her sons say that there are a extortion (maybe racketeering), we don't hoe can help to them, and just keep chanting Hare Krishna. 

I keep going to Aguascalienbtes program and keeping service cultivation.

thanks a lot for be my inspiration your crew member:

Aniruddha Krishna Das

              HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  Esteemed "Category A".   So, nice to hear from you.  Yes, keep a few friends. If President is crazy contact the GBC.  If GBC is crazy contact 2nd and 3rd GBC, then Prabhupada directly.  Or, just understand that Temple President is no more crazy than I am and if I adjust we can be friends and work together.

Maha mantra is so great!!!

Gets us past all these health, weather, social problems in Kali yuga, and does it in an interesting way.    Expect Krsna to start doing miracles.