ratha yatra

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Gouranga

Did you receive my last letter?

            HpS -  AGTSP.....   paoho.  Hmmmfff?   We should have.   We have really fallen behind on letters because of this virus, but here we are catching up.  Jaya!  Monkey Warrior Blog.

... i have a lot of pictures to show you from RATHA YATRA :) it went incredible, it was so blissful, let me know if you received it so i can send you the pictures haribol

Bhakta Juank

               ASA - Where did you send it?   I guess you would have to attach essence here and send link to other source!!!           Lord Jagannatha take us fro Dvaraka to Vrndavana!!!!