Bringing the Holy Name to East Side East Dallas

11 years, 7 months ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports

He could have been on any dust road in Mexico, in his old small pick up parked under a shady tree.  But we are in urban East Dallas on East Side Avenue on a hot Sunday afternoon.  His name is Polo and he's a mariachi, a Mexican musican.  He is very taken with us for he keeps smiling, his eyes shining bright on his worn tired face.  He graciously accepts Karma la Justica Infallible.  The Maha Mantra brings him great joy and he can not contain his smile.  

We come upon a young Indian couple.  A work crew is renovating their newly purchased home.  They have heard of Radha- Kalachandji Dham but have yet to visit.  A beautiful hard bound Bhagavad Gita now resides in their home.

Twin girls about ten years old are having a great time playing under a sprinkler in their front yard.  They have on matching suits and goggles.  We approach their father in the driveway at his vehicle.  He is interested in Sri Isopanishad and all are fascinated with the changing body picture.  Mom is inside but sends out a nice donation for a book in Spanish.  Everyone receives a mantra card and we have the best time chanting together.  

We decide to move over to the corner market, Mercado Mexico.  Mari is heading to her truck with her husband.  While the men speak I present to her Karma la Justica Infallible, explaining the profound wisdom and relief from material existence it contains.  I complement her on her lovely pink flower earrings telling her how pretty they are, very eastern.  She is flattered and thanks me.  Then she asks " does this have anything to do with Ganesh?"

"Are ya'll across from the laundry mat?", "The church on your right, just before East Grande?" are common questions we get while on sankirtana.  Years of distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Mandir have had such an influence on this city.

                 HpS -  Wow!    AGTSP    You and Misra Bhagavan Illo have been getting the highest nectar because of your courage.  Courageous gentleman, courageous lady...  How is life in the Temple?   Do you live near??