DTC Fr(12)

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

          AGTSP    paoho....   It's 1.24AM.    We have 6-minutes before we start Japa Joe. We are in Srivasa Pandita Das' home/ashrama in Fremont (San Francisco) California.  Our health is fine for a 65-year old ass.       We are doing all kinds of Bhakti-vaibhava and MED programs here.  Again it has been very,  very busy!   We have 1 week and 6 days worth of letters to answer.  Today we should get to them!

Yesterday we got up for Japa joe at 1.12AM.  Washed, water, cherrys, Japa-joe, 30-minute nap, yahoo mail, mangala arati, unexpected trip wit Srivasa to Vaisesika Das home and read Radhika's book, left it with Vais, talked with him about ed. dev, b'fast, little nap, more mail to rama giridharai about goloka education, to berkeley with sridhara, 2-hours with lokanatha das, drive 3-hours, little K'video, take rest!!!

OK>   Japa Joe!!!    Thank you!