Little monkey looking for spiritual strenght

11 years, 6 months ago by David Ananda in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeissances,

AGT Srila PRabhupada.

Hello Maharaja, this is David from Argentina. I have two questions jumping around my head and I have faith you can give light on it : It is the same to chant Holy Names using wood Japa than using electronic counter? I´ve found really easier to do grhastra life using an electronic counter , while doing things, waiting on bank, walking to the metro, etc, to chant just pushing a botton on a digital counter on my finger....but deep inside of me I think this is not the same than having a Tulasi Japa on my right hand. Please enlight me with your knowledge Maharaja.

             HpS - AgtSP.   paoho.  Prabhupada says like "Sixteen rounds minimum on beads".  So that is the best.  Seems that, yes, having Tulasi beads increases the potency.   But if we can't do that then chanting on mechanical device is certainly better than not chanting!!

The second one is about luxury. How does luxury appears in mind and heart?. Once on desire its so hard to keep intelligence strenght, but I wonder why luxury appears, what is the mechanism that allows luxury to do the first move. I want to know it, to understand and prevent those episodes .
            HpS - I think the word is lust, no luxury.  Luxury means like "lujo".  High class restaurant or airplane seat.    Lust comes because we want to be attracted by Maya. So,  Krsna draws our attention to our senses.  When the senses are engaged in serving Krsna, seeing Krsna, smelling Krsna...   Then they are transparent channels and no energy builds up on them.   When we start to try to please them, get rasa from serving them rather than Krsna, that is lust.  The pressure builds up unaturally and then we want to release it.
Oh, and just one more...have you been Grhastra right?.
                HpS -  Kind of.  When I was becoming a devotee, but soon, Bhakta Huber and wife got separated and she remarried a nice person after six years and he stayed b'cari.

That is all Maharaja, I do keep my sadhana but this kind of question I believe is keeping me away from spiritual advance.

AGT Sri Guru Gouranga

AGT your lotus feet,

Please do not take any offense.

Hare Krishna

HPS - Jaya!   Next letter!   Thank you.  Don't eat to much and work hard!