
11 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva:



I hope this letter meets U in really good health ¡¡¡

Gurudeva I have a deep concern about the preaching ¡¡ For instance I see that the deities like to be dressed, like the bhoga, etc but umm specially  Gaura Nitai They like to hear classes, bhajams ¡¡¡ They like sankirtan ¡¡¡Harinam ¡¡¡

So I feel sad when I do not see that these programs develop in the temple, because me as pujari I try that the deities be beautiful and attractive so the devotees may feel encourage and try to do their service better ¡¡¡ but honestly we do not have the commit to create a program and to develop it... so please advice us what shall we do, so the devotees commit for this purpose? Work with young and new people?? with the advice of elder devotees?? please give us some enlightment. Nowadays the temple is doing like concerts is that right? 

Thank U all so much 

Looking forward for your reply

Always trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

                HpS - AGTSP....    paoho...    Don't know details!!!      Basic strategy is wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell them about Krsna.  Then you will automatically begin to see what systematic programs are needed.  Prabhupada gives us basic program of Kirtan, lecture, kirtan prasada, so that can go on morning and night.  Of course, Kirtan can be Concerts.  One formula is to let Krsna do His job of sending innocent people and we keep pure and the people are determined to listen even if our presentacion isn't Hollywood.

            Hmmm.  Work on creating a balanced preaching program you self there and then see how it can be expanded to others, no?