MAHARAJ Why its so dificult for me to take desitions?

11 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Dalia in Hot Topics

Hare Krisna Maharaj:

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada,le presento mis mas humildes y respetuosas Reverencias:

Im Baktin Dalia, I know Krisna consiussnes since 2006 ,Im chanting 16 rounds everiday ,Im making service in the temple doing garlands and cleaning temple,now Im in the temple of Cusco my authority now is  the president of the temple p. Raghubarama,

             HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  I think we remember you.  You were working for a diploma en tourism??

I have a question: why its so dificult for me to take decisions? I use to hesitate all the time ,it makes me loose too much energy and time,I dont know if it would be better to leave in the asram or just rent a room next to the temple ,for me its very difficult to leave in the asram but I would like to help there ,my health is not goog now, I can do my normal life but a have back problems it hearts me.So what are the basics steps to take good decitios?.

          AGTSP.   1)  Chant Hare Krsna. Ask Krsna to inspire you.   2) Read Prabhupada's books and follow advise that you find there and 3) consult with even six nice devotees and then follow the advice.

Thank you very much.

B. Dalia.