Mar del Plata report from Panca tattva das

11 years, 5 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami

Please accept my humble obeisances;

Beloved Gurudev;              All glories to the service you are doing for Srila Prabhupada. I can see reflected in you; Srila Prabupada`s cualities and strong faith in spreading and distribuiting Krsna`s counsciousness with out taking any rest against maya.

            HpS - ASA -  Wow!   AgtSP.   You have an amazing perspective. We take rest daily and offer Sprite and Ice cream to Lord  Nrsmhadeva, 97% for our own greed

I hope one day I could serve you the way you do with SP....

              HpS - ASA --  By his mercy.

Yesterday we had a fire sacrifice at the house of a devote (a Bhakti vriksa, 5 new bhaktas took compromise to chant one round daily ).Today ekadasi, is my 3rd nirjala ekadasi on a row,reading,chanting, resting, ufff!!! very good. Winter had just arrived in MdP, Bramacaris had left for a one month Marathon in Rio de Janeiro, We are helping at the Loft to re-organice the pujari schedule, worshiping Sri Goura Nitay and doing the last arrengments to go to de farm..We have the service of taking care and supervise the sudras working at the farm..Chanting our rounds and folowing the principles...

Prabhu Mahajans Radha-Giriraj deities are more o less 10 inches tall, are very beautyfull !! I still have a lot of desire worshiping Giridari sila, Devakinandana prabhu has a Sila and told me that when I Have your permision to worship a Sila he can give me one..What you think???

I hope you would be able to visit Argentina this year so we can take your asosiation, but any way, what is better for you is the best for me....

your eternal servant

Panca tattva das

Sorry  I write english like a donkey, thanks for your corrections.

                 HpS - Very good donkey.   If you have been following Brahminical standard for six years then I think it is O.K. to try worshipping Govardhana Sila.  16/4/m.a.-kirtan-SB.