
11 years, 5 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krsna! AGTSP! AGTHPS ♥
Dear Maharaja:
I send you this letter to introduce me, I’m Lara, from Argentina, I’m 21 years old. I have associate with devotees since 5 years ago.
I have read some books of Srila Prabhupada in these years. At present, I’m chanting 8 rounds daily, attend to Bhagavad Gita classes at “Casa Bhaktivedanta” of LilaMohini Mathaji (you was here, once time for a class) and I assist Dasanudasa fest at the temple. I work as a clerk, and I'm attending Introduction to Bhakti Yoga in the temple institute.
I’m so excited about your visit by the end of the year. I hope can see you, Now, I associate with your disciples Jahnava Devi Dasi and RatiManjari Devi Dasi, they help and advise me, to be able to follow this path.
I hope your health get well soon.
Your servant
Bhaktina Lara.
              HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.   Thank you so much for the letter and even writing in English.  I think you English is about the same as my Spanish. It is still not certain if we are coming to South America. We have to see in the next few weeks our hour energy recovers and how are writing goes, but whatever happens, Krsna is the great controler and He certainly makes as arrangements necessary for people like you.  What is your family situation: Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Grand-parents, God-father??    They are Saints, Doctors, Carpenters??