DTC Th(27)

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

  A G T S P !    (paoho)         We arrived in Denver!         All Wednesday morning in Houston we were packing, final emergency meetings and then to the airport. Cramped...   in the aeroplane. A beautiful young girl sat next to us.   Booooop!   What a wonderful view out the plane window.....    Never even looked at her face.         Landed.         Lost in the Denver airport.  Giant place.        Found the Train to the Baggage area.    Choo!    Chooooo!     Chooo!              Monkey swung on the bars and straps on the way there.   People looked at him without too much aghast.  "After all, Marge, he's a monkey."

    Got phone call from Bhakta Adam: "Waiting for you in the waiting area.  Call when you got your bag."...........   Sine said, "Your Bags on Carousel 5", but actually they were in Carousel 6.   Waited.  Chanted.  First bag came.      ...      ...      ..   Second bag didn't come.  Maybe it got left on the airplane that has now go to San Diego...   Waited.  All the people gone, three bags on the carousel, but not ours.     "Excuse, me Miss, my bag is not here".   "What is your name?".      "Here this is your bag!".....   Oh, my God, how embarrassing.  I didn't recognize it upside down!   O.K. Call Adam.  Go outside.  There are six different pick-up lanes...  "May I help you?"       "Yes, my friend is coming to pick me up.  Which lane should I go to?"...

You have to go one level down.   This is only for buses and taxis.

          How do we get there?

Go back inside or take the stairs there.

            Plunk!    Plunk!     Plunk!  ....  Bouncing our two bags with 25KGs of books down the stairs.    Cut our ankle a little....      Found a space by the curb.  Bh.  Adam sees us.  Loads us.  Its rather hot.   Off we go!!                 asDFgh@#$5^

BA:   Oh, goodness.   The engine is overheating.

         We stopped by the side of the road just outside the BIG TERMINAL  117 cars/minute are roaring past us.   Look at the engine.  The water is boiling.  (Its rather hot in the sun).   Then . . . .    a police car pulls up.  Real big, nice black police guy, asks intelligent questions and then says that the BIG TERMINAL has free towing to the gas station nearby.  O.K.  We call Bhakta Noah and he and all the B'caris will load into the van and pick us up and we can go directly to the program in Boulder.           Tow truck comes. Lifts the front of our car starts to pull it...   SREEECH!    The back tires are locked in 4-wheel drive and wont turn.  He puts it down and puts special wheels under our wheels and starts to pull it.....   Thunk-itty!    Thunk-itty!            One of his special tires is flat...    It disintegrartes in smoke and the tow truck calls a tow truck.   We get to the gas station.  Sit under a tree.   The big black police guy is a Deacon in a Baptist Church.  He takes a book and all in all we talk for about 20-minutes.  He is a Madhyama adhikari.  Very nice guy.  He says he's really looking forward to reading our book.  Tells the Gas Station people to take good care of us.

Krishna, did you arrange all that for us to meet this guy????

O.K. Brahmacaris show up.  All in Safron, Noah, Matthew, Adam, Peter.  Notice anything unusual about their names.           Boulder after 45-minutes.  High class college town.  All kinds of young, vegetarian people.   About 40-devotees sittinng in the park chanting.  Very, very nice. Taking with people.  Rather hot and Rather exhausted.   Back in the van....   get to to our room at 9.30PM  (10.30PM Houston).    Little rustic, but in the Ashrama!   The internet doesn't work!!   "Well ask Bhakti Joseph tommorrow".

             Body starved.....  Prayed to God, Lord Nrsmha Deva to help us!!!!   We ate three nice cookies and took rest.  Couldn't get on Japa Joe...    Woke up at 1.15AM  but mostly rested...             Morning program.  One hour to get internet going. 19-rounds done.  NO SB CLASS!  (Jaya!   We are learning).   Where is laundry.  Where is President?       Where is Krsna House for program tonight.           Listen to M. Urmilla's Class from Hawaii.  Tommorrow we give class.            Internet from the Ashrama is only 2-bars.  Doesn't deal with Webex...  Trying to get key so we can get into the Temple Room at 1.25AM for Japa Joe.

       ... O.K.      Radha Govinda's arati for noon has just started.      They are beautiful.  Denver is beautiful.   5,500 feet high.  NOTHING in any direction from here.  Cowboy town.  Lot of people we haven't seen for 5-10-20 years!

        Let's go take bath.  Wash our clothes.    See if we can do e-mail from the ashrama.  We've finished the first draft of the Japa-Joe Powerpoint show.  Now we are starting a Word document of a Dialog with Carl Jung.    We have to see how our energy level works out as we put writing in the forefront and then we can see how we are going to travel.  Maybe we just go to South America for two weeks only....    Travel can be good and bad for writing.  We have to really put writing in the front.   It's going to be hard.  It requires surrender and harder work than we are doing!!      Thank you.   .     Your life is the same I bet..! !         AGTSP!!!!