
11 years, 8 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Other

All glories  to  Srila Prabhupada

jaya gouranga

Hare Krishna maharaj

Sorry i write this late i was sick for 3 days and now my mother is, so i have to take care of her, 
There are a lot of nice places in Panama maharaja , have you ever been here ? i dont walk to the bus stop much maharaja i drive a car ,Panama has too much traffic thats why right now they are building the first subway here it will be ready in 2014 .

how are things where you are right now maharaja? 


Bhakta Juank

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP...  Paoho....   Thank you for the letter.     We are in Denver.   Tommorrow we go to Boise.   We are doing  lectures on Sankhya, Oriental Philosophy of Nature, at the Univesity, Light of the Bhagavata, Vrndavana-dhama for the Temple.   Everywhere such good response.  We are starting to put writing very much in the forefront. If we travel it is to stimulate our writing.  We get requests, pushes, to do this...

What kind of association  do you have in Panama?         Didn't the USA lease on the canal expire a few years ago?  How do they still have control?  Do they have control?