DTC Mo(24)

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC


<big>   G</big>

<big>             T</big>

<big>                                                 S P !               paoho....    9.18PM.   R(26).    Sankirtan(Science and Religion at Texas Medical Center)...   Took a KRSNA book for our room and we'll leave it in the Library here in the Sannyasa-ashrama in Texas...</big>

<big>                               T h o s e  who have problems with the stomach should take little sips of water frequently. </big>

<big>                                Got the "Kapi-dhvaja" off today before Mangala-arati. It was a little tight but caught everything. We're distributing NOIs at all the programs. Hari-lila and Kuvera Das arranged the books. We autograph them... O.K.   Krsna kills...   ...   See you at Japa-Joe!</big>

<big>    Buck White</big>