fortnight update-2

11 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj,
thank you for replying to all the posts till now. last post report was noe\de 3129].
you asked us questions like " can you chant four rounds with full attention and concentration?   Whatever it takes.     Of course this is like lifting heavy weights, hard, hard work, but can you do that?        No, two rounds???     What? "

answ: we can chant rounds with good attention provided we happy sleep and no boday ache. but such circumstances are very rare. without them we can some how force is able to listen mantras properly, but there is a lot of scope on improvement. but we feel very uneasy if we dont chant 16 rounds.

            HpS - ASA =   AGTSP.   Paoho.    You are really advancing a lot.  How is your good wife and good son and good parents and good professors and good classmates?      Yes, as we get stronger internally we can chant good Japa with poor physical situation.    Yes, 16-even bad rounds have an effect!

....current sadhana:  drank 250ml wated on nirjala for nature's call. after no water or food. only air and thoughts. did karma yoga till 2am. 

           HpS  -   Was good experience.  "Thoughts"  were better than normal?

...regulalry 16 rounds, every alterante day sansar dava [ we need to expand to nrsingh arti, tulsi pooj, siksa astak, flowe, incense]

           HpS - Not necesary expand, just keep "Wake Up Radha-Krsna!", Gurv-astaka, Kirtan, Japa, SB, Prasadam ....    Make-A-Lot-Of-Money    .....  Evening program for/with family...   If you like to expand O.K.             Tulasi!!!

     .....heavily violated one rule, we wont go in detail. it seems we are repressing it simply without dovetaling. Now for householder issues we are taking help of Urmila Mataji and Anant Rupa pr. Urmila   Mataji recommended us [i] Bhaktyaloka of BVT -- very good commentary on noi 2,3  [ii] non violent communication. things are improving, but dont know if  they are improving at right pace.

           HpS - Ashrama Guru's Ki Jai!!!!      "Right Pace" - We are immortal.   Get the job quickly done, if that is really lots of fun.

Every time we think of becoming formal aspirant. after 20 days, we surrender to our mind. we want to follow 4 rules , but can not maintian dozen of wife and kids.. details we can not discuss.

        HpS - You are informal disciple.  Others are formal disciples.    Both are good.   Keep working on your problems.      I hear over and over again that so many people are listening to these letters.    I would estimate that there are 25-people with the same problems you have, no details, trying to solve them.  Yes, we are in Sannyasa situation. We cannot deal with certain things.   Others are Ksatriyas.  They cannot deal with certain things that a Sannyasi can.           Prabhupada could not sit in a street side cafe in Paris to wait for the car because they served meat and wine there because he was an Acharya.  He did austerity of standing up.         Ashrama guru, Ki Jai!

..... sankirtana: many people come towards these days both bachelor devotees and phd students to ask many questions, we give them books, make them read
Hail Bhvai, even a fall man like us can say something. People really appreciate SP purports.

......we got your letter to manipur.  devotee from agartala asks about your welfare, so we asked him to read blog.

..... we have relaized our mind is main culpirt, and we listen and obey to it a lot.
we wanted to ask {if you can reply scientifically/pyschologcally] [ i ]what are mechanisms of mind control?  [ii] what is the science of mind control through maha mantra ? [iii] why when we have inadequte diet its very easy to loose mind control [iv] why does mind feel calm in temple environment}

               HpS -   Did you see the Japa-Joe.pptx that we linked in  the last Kapi-Dhvaja?    We opened the "Two Psychology Schools" link that you gave us.  We read the intro and it was very valuable to know what the schools are now, but seemed too detailed for us to read nust now.   Help us develop our writing, pptx, stuff so that it is useful.     I think 90% of the answers that we have to your above questions are in the japa-joe.pptx.     Tell us what you think.        We are trying to develop these things systematically.    We added like five more slides to the Japa-Joe.pptx and consider it maybe finished.  We have to post that final version and then wait for reviews.          Now we have started a dialog with Carl Jung...  There are so many things we can say, but 90% of the job is now trying to edit them into the right time and place.

Our phd is going fine,we got our guide change , he has roots in  pyschology [bachelor,master and phd]

          HpS - What is his name????       Uncle Gismo is thinking of offering a PhD from.. Doctor of Phalocracia.

...... in Lilamrta we learned that SP asked only question from HDGBSST. We have asked you many questions except the most important one," how can i serve you ?"
trying to follow the Saint,

          TB - Esteemed Dwart, you are doing very well serving HpSwami....   You are not giving up in the face of obstacles.   You are becoming a useful tool.   You have already done incredible service,  Kolkatta Museum Show et al.