DTC Th(20)

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP...  paoho.   We don't have any heart arythmias but now we have a lot of stomach cramps.  Probably means we will dye of stomach canser by January 2014.

We are running as fast as we can.  Honestly we didn't waste a single moment today. We wrote a draft for a NIOS-News.  We'll put it below.  Now we have to go to the evening program in 4 minutes. Got 20-rounds done.  No letters today!

= = =

<img height="98" src="file:///C:\Users\swami-hp\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.jpg" width="82" /> NIOS

North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies

304 Astor Way; Franklin, TN 37064; USA


NIOS-News – June 2013

What do we have to wonder? If we entertain with even a little bit of sincerity such great classics as India’s Vishnu-puran then we can begin to see the light in life, but that is just the beginning. Do you have high aspirations in life our esteemed Readers? Where did they come from? Unless the Supreme itself favors us how can we go beyond the rational aspect of the mind?

(Werner Heisenberg from his book, Wolfgang Pauli’s Philosophical Outlook)

Very early in his career Pauli had followed the road of skepticism based on rationalism right to the end, and he then tried to trace out those elements of the cognitive process that precede a rational understanding in depth.    Quantum Questions, Ken Wilbur, Shambala, 1984, Pg 158

To this end, your humble servants, your fellow friends and members of NIOS, continue to work to organize symposia and publications. At the date of this issue of NIOS-News let us mention the following efforts.

Annual Symposium on Cultivation of the Human Spirit

NIOS 14TH Annual Symposium on Cultivation of the Human Spirit
14th September 2013
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Let us consider the primacy of the compassionate feminine nature in approaching the most intimate aspects of Divinity as personified by such ladies and Laksmi, Mary, Kahdijah, and also the primacy of developing a good idea of education and opportunities for character development for girls so they can play their primary role in creating a world where we can be one in peace, prosperity and friendship with a common cause.

Call for Papers: As with previous years NIOS by this announcement is requesting any interested persons to submit papers for publication and presentation at the Annual Symposium. For more details, sample contributions and inspiration please correspond with Hanumatpresaka Swami (Professor Huber Robinson) [email protected]


·         Also as usual the academic section will be accompanied by the traditional Akhanda Sankirtana, 12-hours of continuous, melodious chanting of the Maha-mantra, Hare Krishna / Hare Rama.

·         Also meeting of Organizers for a 2014 symposium on educational development to be co-sponsored by NIOS is planned. Again, at this time contact Professor Robinson for any information about the event.

NIOS Publications

·         Felicitations Volume: Through the super human efforts of many people the much awaited copies of PRACYAPRAJNAPRDIPA – Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay Felicitations Volume on Early Indian History and Culture have arrived in USA. Anyone interest in purchasing copies please contact Thanu Subramanian at [email protected]. The volume is over 600-pages with contributions from Former Minister of Education of India and many esteemed scholars. Obviously we are extremely short of help to do the proper promotion work for the volume in both India and USA. If you can help in this regard please contact us.

·         Museum Volume: The volume featuring the contributions to the symposium co-sponsored by NIOS and the Indian Museum in Kolkatta, May 2012, is nearing completion and represents an extremely interesting compendium on the current thinking on the symposium topic by some of the most representative minds of modern India and abroad: The Contribution of Classical Indian Culture Toward Making a Better World.

·         Every Bear Can Dance, the astonishing biography of an evangelical ISKCON book distributor, Jambavati Devi Dasi, is complete in both Spanish and English in both an dramatic audio and printed format. Again it lacks help to promote and distribute it but preliminary reviews all come back the same way, “Could not put it down”.

NIOS On Tour

Hanumatpresaka Swami, Professor Huber Hutchin Robinson, returned June 1st from a heroic four month tour through Europe, India and Australia. This included over 25-airplane jaunts, bone-wracking jeep journeys into the remotest and unpaved villages of Assam, Manipur and Burma, forming a part of India’s culturally rich Northeast provinces. Numberless symposia on the NIOS favored Light of the Bhagavata, profoundly well received lectures at Australia’s premier Monash University, Kolkatta’s Rabindra Bharati University, University of Madrid and the Bhaktivedanta College in Belgium. Of course, the credit for all these events goes to legions of highly elevated souls, but we especially want to thank Professors Ian Mabbet of Monash University and our own Principal Advisor Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay.


·         With the good aegis of our Principal Advisor NIOS hopes to soon establish a formal relation with Rabindra Bharati University in Kolkatta. This would especially allow for publication of extremely interesting and as yet unaccessible classical literature.

·         Very progressive meetings have been realized between directors of the Goloka Trust from Mumbai, India, and Professor H. H. Robinson and Abhiseka Singh of NIOS. http://golokaeducation.com/ . These reveal that NIOS has a very bright future with Mr. Singh and his youthful friends joining for developing classical education all across America in the form of primary school franchises. These would compare with such schools as the Montessori or Waldorf schools. This would include consulting for local primary and later secondary and even graduate school development, text-book and curriculum development. Of course, this is so popular because India at its core has great gifts in education and character development to offer the world.

·         Programs in South America are going on with hopes of a tour by Hanumatpresaka Swami in the Fall of 2013. This would include, of course, our old friends, Ricardo Palma and San Marcos University in Lima, Peru; Federico Santa María Technical University, the “Cal-tech” of Chile and programs in Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina. These are not confirmed yet since Professor Robinson is really stepping back to make first consideration writing and publishing. His current focus is a presentation on SANKHYA: Classical Oriental Philosophy of Nature.

·         Locally, in Tennessee, besides its annual symposium, NIOS has been again invited to participate in the Celebrate Nashville Festival, which it has helped to pioneer, on the 5th of October; and continues its active efforts to develop good academic and cultural relations with local scholars and universities.

Words of Illumination

Let us close this copy of NIOS-News with profoundly appreciated words of enthusiasm and direction from Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, Principal Advisor of NIOS and Dr. Ravi P. Singh, President…