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11 years, 7 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

<cite>All Glory to Srila Prabhupad and all glory to the followers of him, involved on this sankirtan movement!</cite>

<cite>Pleace acept my respectfull obeisances</cite>

<cite>             ASA -AGTSP!   O.K.   Please accept ours!</cite>

<cite>Dear Gurudeva now I working on the program of cultivation and contacting new sadhakas with the help and guide of ISKCON ministry of congregation on Guadalajara city, and Aguascalientes city. similary keep the job of Rathayatra comitee, on cultural area and comunication area.  and about New Nilacala Mandira, we are making a new administrative commitee, because there are many challenges. Guru Prasada swami wants to we make a new cometee, to relegate of his position to Adoksaja Prabhu. </cite>

<cite>I help on the cultivation, and visit and try to inviting more people to chant hare Krishna and that any people to wants chant together study and try the better way to keep chanting and server until the Prabhupada program</cite>

<cite>is very evident that me have no any qualification but I want to try the better, and if you like I can do the better that you say me</cite>

<cite>please give me your opinion, many devotees are help me like kaunteya prabhu, Radhika Matta, Madhavi kirti Devi Dasi, Manohara Syam prabhu, and more local devotees.</cite>

<cite>Bhakti Sundara Gosuami visited Aguascalientes and Guadalajara, and give'us many ideas, so finally he concludes that every body to like he can guide their. </cite>

<cite>I'm try to invite more senior devotees to help'us, may be you can come or you can sayme whats it's better to me.</cite>

<cite>I chant every day the rounds (16), follow ekadasis, mangalaratik, and tryng to serving to the servants. thaks a lot for your mercy, that is on your example of sadhana and good attitudes. </cite>

<cite>your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das</cite>

<cite>PDT there are many services thath i try to help (since I take part of tryng program) like kids, and parents program, Bhakty Vriksa program, counseling, harinam, Sankirtan, on Aguascalientes on Bhakti Vriksa Program we celebrated the past festivals (Advaitya,Nityananda, Bhaktisiddhanta, Goura Purnima, Rama Navami, Varhadeva, Nrisimha). on New Nilacala Mandira we have a job team, to make more Sankirtan on Schools (like cultural programs).</cite>

<cite>                     HpS - ASA -  Hari Bolo!    Hari Bolo!                You sound like you are  going out every day with Krsna to take care of the cows!!!   Moooo!                Yes, making small groups to chant Hare Krsna is very nice...</cite>

<cite>          ....  then they can read Caitanya caritamrta, no??????</cite>