16-4 vrata - July 4th 2014

11 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Reilly in Other

Hare Krishna Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances to your apple blossom feet.

            HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   AgtSP.  Please accept our obeisances at your temporary but actual Dhama vasi feet!

All glory to Srila Prabhupada.

Alright maharaja, sounds like a good deal; the best deal actually. I'll do 16-4 to July 4th, 2014 next year. (I certainly hope you dont mean Independance Day this year maharaj! I definitely don't think I'm ready yet...) When It becomes tempting to eat those 'vegeterian' fajita wraps with questionable egg content at the grocery store because I haven't eaten anything at all in day(s); I'll remember your words and my vow. As well as brahmacarya. Not sure if it will last too long though, cause in the age of Kali people make vows and break them soon afterward. I'll keep sending letters to update more often! (over 365 inches to crawl..)

           HpS - ASA - AGTSP.   Yesssssss....  We starten with little steps, Bobba.   Monkey and Piggy have a real tendency to Sherlock Holmes movies, so we are going to just see if they can keep there nose out of that stuff until JULY 4th 2013.       So, all we askin is that you be their (our) partner in austerities until then.  After that we can consider more vows.   Maybe to Janmastami!!!!!!!!      This is tough.   Facing little, practical obstacles and knocking them down by Balarama's grace and with a clear recollection of what is our ultimate goal.   I just hope to be an eternal asociate of Srila Prabhupada in his Sankirtana and not be a burden to him and learn from Jayananda, Hansadutta, B. S. Damodara Swami et al.....

I should have started my vow the moment I got your reply, but my mind is too much of a "We'll start Tommorow!" sort of convincing arguer. My mind + senses have held the reign in my body like republics + democrats!

Visiting Life in Sridham Mayapur was very nice those few months. It's the ideal vedic city in the works! (by some great mercy) We got an apartment house on the inside Grhastha-housing, everyday nice vegetables, ghee, raw milk to serve to our Deitys. Prabhupada Ghat at the Ganga was a 5 minute walk away. My little brother Ryan became enthralled in Service at the Radha-Madhav mandir with the Pujari's many times (he's actally the real ideal devotee, maharaja). He brought back 3 Radha-Krsna deitys, 2 ladoo-gopals, 2 more JBS sets, Panca-Tattva deitys, Another Goura-Nitai + Nrsimhadeva. I was/am a bit worried. I think we definitely don't fit the Standard for RK deity's, or all these forms of the lord at all. But my little brother + sister are so attached to them, dressing, some bathing, Arati, Puja + kirtan. So.. what to do about offenses? lol. The cows there are so intelligent, it's like they're spiritual. All the Dham-vasi's actually, -- yes, a lot of the Villagers are descendants of Lord Chaitanya's dear friend Chand-Kazi, so I personally saw no pig residents-- they were probably there somewhere though! I made many new devotee friends, I got to help distribute Prasadam to residents in Navadwhip, it was Koob-Sundar (very beautiful). As well, I was going to say hare krsna to you when you came to Mayapur, but you seemed really busy; so I didn't want to disturb!

               HpS -   AGTSP.   We saw you I think.  We very very impressed with your intensity.  You should have grabbed us and said, "Hare Krsna Majaraja!"

Actually right now on such sudden very-short-notice me, my brother + sister had to come back to Boise in the US. 20 hours of plane flights. Luckily we find theres a lot of devotee's in disguise when we travel. We had to leave a lot of books + deity's behind in Mayapur to rest. My JBS deity's are always showering mercy on us, even if I neglect them sometimes. Jagganath is often revealing he's always aware in his form to me + my brother Ryan with his mercy towards our seva. Yet as soon as someone asks whats the sikha on the back of our heads, we become chocked up with nervousness about what they think!

           HpS - "Oh, its very interesting.  We are just coming from India.  Our parents have been Yogis forever and we just get involved with them with all the rituals and things. They cut the hair like this like a girl in the West wears a wedding ring or something. It means like we are unmarried boys."

I think we'll be in Boise for a long time, still so much unfinished things in Mayapur with our cows, dogs + items.. my mother is in Europe right now as well. Now I'm battling with my sister over not allowing her to keep Eggs to fry in the house while I have the deity's here. Trying to keep cooking items pure and get some Kirtan going again. 

        HpS - Tell her that if she steals eggs from the hens, cannibals will come and eat her babies when she gets married!    Haw!   Ha!      Hur Ray!

your fallen servant,

Reilly M. Grindle

               HpS - Jaya.   So we <o   >>====>    See you in about two weeks!  3rd of July!

Monkey    -    >>>>>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9vL5IVj1PI 

                HpS -  No!!!!!     Evil!!!     Bad Karma!!!!         Will take you to the jungles of Africa in your next birth!    Better...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb-ODN9tkgY    !!!!    Good Monkey!