Etasa’s Report from the Windy City

11 years, 8 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, AGTSP, PAMHO

Dear Gurudeva!

I hope you are very  well.

         HPS - ASA -  AGTSP..  paoho.   Suffering like you in this material world and from our lust and pride, but shamelessly taking as much mercy as we can get from Srila Prabhupada!!

After five month in Bs As mandir,  I'm in the temple of Chicago now! Sri Sri Kishor Kishori are beautiful.

             ASA - Jaya!!

There is a good group of devotees here. My sadhana is good as in BsAs. I'm studying deeply the Bhagavad Gita again. In July I will start Bhakti Vaibhava course.

             ASA - Who is teaching it?

We have, with Gokulananda Prabhu, two months and a half before the summer ends for connecting all the latin people in the neighborhood and establish programs as bhakti-vrksas and namahattas. Then we will open a school of bhakti where they will be educated in the principles of bhakti and Vaishnava lifestyle. Afterwards we want to expand to other areas. So we are trying to work nicely.
Any chance to seeing you here in the U.S.? Although I can't travel now because I just arrived, I don’t know if they going to give me the permission to do it, but, may be the next year. Well, that's all for now.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!!!

ys etasa krsna das

            ASA - YOu can call us...  209 505-3219.     Our USA calendar is always in the Kapi Dhvaja.    Also, Nitai-gaurasundara's Daughter is starting her Internship, actual doctor work in Chicago so she will probably see you.   We could meet you many places in USA!          Waiting your answer.