here we go..

11 years, 6 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

Thank you very very much for you answer and help.  We will try to develop transcendental association with no physical presence with devotees, continue with CC Adi-lila and send reports of our study to you. Also presently we are deepening our understanding of Krisna-lilas as in sastra (Krsna Book) and as in Krishna katha, (devotees relating to the pastimes).  Our method is to observe, read, listen carefully and with submission, note the rasas, moods, as in Between Krishna - Kamsa and in between the lilas and the devotees then correlate them with their descriptions and transcendental meanings in the NOD.  

            ASA - AGTSP......   !      HAve you read "Waves of Devotion" by Danurdhara Swami???

We sense that every sentence or lila in the Krisna Book has multiple levels of meaning at least two as Srila Prabhupada explained (those open and those hidden)  we are not sure if this perspective is good, please give us some direction. 

your most fallen servant
bhakta Raul

            ASA -  Wow, we were thinking today as we read Krsna book that the pastimes it described with the cow-herd boys et al, could be translated into the things that happen to us every day very easily.  The boys heard cows.  We herd e-mail...   Etc.  Demons!     Many are in our heart!!!           Hare Krsna!!!                  Go ahead!!!