Hare Krishna Your Holyness

11 years, 8 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Other

All glories  to  Srila Prabhupada

jaya gouranga

Hare Krishna maharaj

My name is  Juan Carlo Rosas friends called me Juank is shorter I am 26 years old and I lived in Panama Central America ,ive being knowing the devotees  like since i was 19 but only 5 years ago ive being reading ,practicing the scriptures and having a daily habit of chanting the holy name . I do service in the temple I do the garlands for Saturday and Sunday and also when is needed the artwork for flyers , poster and advertising for programs or events for the temple like Ratha Yatra.

 I listen to a lot of your clases on the web and recently seen a few from where you were at spain , Ratha yatra will be in a month over here it will be great I am eager for that day , to be honest I am a bit nervous didn’t know how to approach to you i am not used to writing letters so my mind scrambles a little .

Bhakta Juank

                 HpS - ASA -  Jaya, ISKCON Founder-Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.  Letters are nice.  Srila Prabhupada wrote so many.     Nobel Laureatte in literature, Henry James, said that he thought that letters were the highest form of literature!           Yours is very nice.    Are there any nice places in Panama?  Where do you walk everyday eg. to the bus stand.....??