Please accept our humble obeisances
Dear Maharaja
It's been a while since I sent news, so here it goes (the abridged form to take as little of your precious time as possible) We are chanting, reading SB, BTG, Iso, etc got the Miracle on Second Ave. book also and finished in a week or so, pure nectar.
We also got the Radha-Damodara Vilasa II, Vishnujana Swami's lilas...just the first few pages got us pondering and tasting the nectar for weeks so that one will be finished in much longer time I beleive...began reading the CC Adi-lila also, well, that one will take a lifetime..
HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! Adi-lila starts off with a lot of very Ontological descriptions of Lord Caitanya and is very concentrated intellectually. So, don't be discouraged to move ahead in CC. Other parts you might find super, super essential with more pastimes to illustrate the philosophy.
We went to Toronto Temple for a week to coincide with Vaisesika prabhu's seminar, SB morning clases, bhajan, etc etc.. very extatic. we miss Toronto Temple, so much enthusiasm and warm hearts there..felt like home.
Krishna's mercy though has brough Bhakti Raghava Swami to a farm a couple of hours from Montreal so we are going whenever we get a lift...Nouvelle Vraja Bhumi, ahhh.. Krishna has once more saved us from certain spiritual death in Montreal...
Peru (Feb-March) was very nice also, summer, old pals and final farewells to Karmi passed there, etc.
Stayed close to the Chosica temple that we love and cherish very much (it was the first vedic architecture temple we ever saw and the first time we met Krishna back in 1990) chanted a lot of rounds there during our visit in March.
Now we are just hoping to stay for a few weeks or a month in Nouvelle Vraja Bhumi, before our yearly visit to the states (Wash DC) to see mother and after that just run from here to Toronto in the winter so our bhakti lives and thrives.
We are thinking on moving to Toronto or Nouvelle Vraja Bhumi the only places around where we can survive as a devotee. Please we need your blessings, your mercy pulled us from inertia into fighting for saddhana.
you most fallen and humble servant
bhakta Raul
HpS - ASA - Jaya! AgtSP!!!! Thank you so much for the news. Very enlivening... Of course, the best way to keep association is to do service with devotees. That does not require physical presence. Try to increase that. One thing we do is to study with devotees even at a great distance!