Head or Heart is Vedanta - II

11 years, 8 months ago by msrinu in Other

Hare krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisnaces, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all my sincere thanks for the reply/guidance and it helped me a lot to understand about my confusion (a bit about goal of the life, these quota, Karma etc) and able to know a bit the difference of a "true feeling" and a feeling like feeling (through my intelligence).

What I understood, is with this conditioned body/life, a "true feelings" comes in glimpse and to make it longer, lot of endeavor on ones part and the mercy of Krishna, Spiritual master and other devotees.

The more I read and all are point to Krishna (what else is there other than the LORD) and to really to know krishna, there is nothing other than "serving the lord"

Please help me to correct my self and to be worthy to serve the LORD.

Your humble servant

-Srinivasa (from Richmond)

                HpS - Jaya!    AGTSP.   Paoho.  We are back in USA as you may see in the DTCs. Your understanding seems very nice.   Another way to look at it is that the sun is shinning from the left.  We are following a path through the woods. Sometimes it comes to a little peak and we can see the mountain where we are headed in the distance, so we have enough indicators to keep on the path and we can see that we are getting closer.  As we get closer the view of the mountain is more often and with more detail.   Jaya! Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!          See you very soon!            Send us some news of your regular work, Karma yoga.