About the studies

11 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!

Please accept my forced-to-be-humble obeisancess at your lotus feet

            HpS - ASA - Cherry Blossom Feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I´m sorry for not being specific enought in the last letter, and also i will follow your advice to write everything for the blog, so your instructions can be for the benefit of others, rather than just for me.

Well, about studing philology, it's not in the school Aravinda P. is doing for SP books, its a normal society University, yesterday i signed up in the university of Irapuato, so i will start the 1st semester in august, (thats ending the SB course here in Cueramaro) and my clases there would be only the saturdays, so the rest of the week i can keep my service for the reprinting of SB, and sundays i think sankirtana at least half day with your blessings!

That was the other reason i was asking about the idea of Brahmacari ashram, because, i already made Aravinda P. think twice if its the best for me to take it or not, because of my behavior, and of course, if i study in karmy University, i will be in touch with woman. My desire is to please you and Krishna, i will push myself to do it, as the way you tell me to do it.

Your dumb servant:

Bh. Christian

                HpS - Jaya.  Thank you.  In our opinion if you are dealing properly with women as Sankirtan, not talk with them alone, and you have been following nicely for 6-months you should wear saffron as a proper communication to devotees of what is your status, but this varies according to local standard.   To us your work seems nice, balanced.