Un Nuevo Templo - Madrid?

11 years, 7 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev. Please accept my humble obeisance. All Glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

First, I hope you’re ok. I would like to thank you so much for your visit to Spain. You brought us the sunshine, and left us the moonlight. I hope back soon, very soon, because we need in Spain and more exactly in Madrid’s Yatra.

Two Sundays ago we had an ista gosthi. The ista gosthi is a good place to talk about our experiences, frustrations, projects, and to see how we’ll going together in our Krishna’s service through our service to Krishna’s devotees and non-devotees. The Madrid’s temple has a great potential to preach and bring people to Krishna, but for some reason that’s not happening properly. Many old devotees don’t come to the temple and they’re unhappy. They prefer to come time to time, but they don’t engage the service. Since Jara Mara Hari das prabhu is in the temple, some of them have returned. From my point of view we need: giving love the devotees, listening them, understanding them, giving and receiving without expectation, only reciprocal commitment. I only commit myself to serve you.

Next Friday May 31th we have a governing council meeting. There are some suggestions of some devotees as:

-          Create a sankirtana team to begin to do Sankirtan on the streets and inside the temple, because nobody does in Madrid now.

-          Organize the ashram for matajis to change their clothes, to rest and be inside, and maybe some of them can even live inside or rent an apartment close to the temple for them. All that to create a strong community, to worship the Deities properly and enhance the activities and preaching.

-          Others …

There are some devotees who are burned and perhaps should have less presence. They have done a great service for years, but now they can’t do well. Maybe it’s not a good idea to continue taking direct accountability in the temple.

What do you think about all this, Maharaja?

I think It’s time to make changes for next generations, but what changes?. How Sirla Prabhupada would reply all these questions, Maharaja? How we can serve to Krisna, Sirla Prabhupada and you in Madrid’s temple?. There’re many disciples yours, then Sirla Prabhupada disciples ...

Gurudev, please excuse me if I’ve done wrong questions. I’m a very newcomer and fallen, I only want to do things right. I’m forty years old and I don’t want to get errors.

My Sadhana is going good: 20-22 rounds per day, 4 regulative principles ok, my mind is sometimes flying like a butterfly and I act like a fool. But I’m waking up at 5:30 to Mangala Aratik, Kirtan, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting Japa. Carcika Devi dasi calls Sananda devi dasi to wake up daily. Badhra vardana and Sananda d.d are very good devotees. They’re a very good association.

I don’t take you more time. I hope see you soon again. Thank you for all, your visit, your darshan, your teaching, your answers to my questions, etc ……….

Your eternal servant, Dandava das.

                 HpS - ASA -   AGTSP.  Paoho.   We taked with Yadu Swami, Jayanta, Jara mara, you all, Jagamohana, Atma-rama.....     We think the Temple is too small for a ladies and men's ashrama, but another apartment or room in the apartment of Grhasthas near the Temple could be fine for  a B'carini Ashrama.    There are so many details in management.  It is part of Ksatriya dharma, Varna-ashrama-dharma, and in Kali-yuga it only functions on the basis of Bhagavata dharma, Sankirtan.  So, unless the devotees, in, out, around, under the Temple can do some Kirtan together there is not much hope for Varna-ashrama to develop.  That can mean Kirtan but also Bhajans, reading Krsna book.  It is austerity but the result is guaranteed.