pysch as sci-3

11 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

hare krsna maharaj pamho agtsp.
thank you very much for replies to our blog querries.

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!!!    Sorry this took five days.  Our daily program here is from 10am - 1.30PM    then back again from 3.30PM to 6PM.  Then in those off hours everything else has to be done.  It is hard work so by the end of the day we have headaches and cant even touch the keyboard, but we saw your letter and we've been waiting to get to.

1. is it fine that we keep on posting pysch research, as contribution to this blog. please see this lecture i dont know if u can attend this course or hear some lect. but it is good refresher of pysch. u can download slides, transcripts of lectures etc

2. continuing to point that MS word is an idea.  the intreseting part is that even though it is idea, it is represented by binary language in the to some storage device and transferred. so even software is transmitted through hard ware... every hardware has also some compatibility with range of software only.. it can not work with every software

           HpS - It can also be printed out on paper.   We could start C++ for example and go to Binary.           I "get" and idea?    Where does it come from?   No hardware involved.        We are continuously receiveing ideas, no?  A little perspective and it is obvious that inumerable ideas are coming and we ar accepting or rejecting.

how does it apply to humans...

3. we also see that if you keep an answring such questions on the blog.. then such answer may become basis of book for yourself.

trying to contribute in sankirtana some ways
harsh pradhan
P.S.  Our son plays gopal deity as toy. he holds gopal from neck,lifts him up, kisses on nose then put back.. is such activity offensive to any one? our deity is made of brass

              HpS -  It's O.K.  should teach him that Deity is special.  Needs special treatment. I think he can understand!    More Psycho-letters!