Needing instruction

11 years, 9 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

            HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   AGTSP!!!

Maharaja, how are you feeling?
             HpS - ASA - With my fingers, and you?


How are your travels?
             HpS - ASA - Heaven, Hell and Earthly Realms

Any inspiring thoughts?
              ASA - If you are going to travel best just to travel back to Goloka!

Things are better here in Utah. I took an enormous dip into material life recently. I became very involved with work and money and for some time was not chanting japa. It is hard to admit. I have had some inspiring dreams that shook me up and made me realize how poorly I was doing, and am now back in a regular flow of 16 rounds.
             ASA - Make a practical calculation of how many rounds you missed and then gradually catch them up?!

I feel strongly that I need formal rules set in place. I cannot manage my spiritual life on my own. I wrote to Sri Hari Prabhu, he always has very nice things to say. I am hoping he will give me bold critisism and clear guidelines to move forward. What critisizm or guidelines would you suggest???
            ASA - You're going to become a demigod in your next life and have good food, great drinks and super sports and the association of many pretty and adoring wives, unless you do this Japa vrata regularly and get initiated in a reasonable amount of time!

I have much more respect for grhastas now than I ever have. It is constantly growing.

We are moving forward with the wedding plans for August 30th here in Spanish Fork, UT. Do you think there is any room in your schedule/travels to come here during that time?
            ASA -  It's not impossible but I don't know!            This is our last night in Europe!  Then we are back in USA after 4-months!!!   Let us stay in touch!!

Your servant,

Bhakta Adrian
              HpS - ASA - It's very nice hearing from you.   Don't lose sight of the goal.  Just keep the Japa going well and let the ups and downs of material life come and go.  Basically you will see the spiritual life automatically makes the best basic adjustment for material results also!              Please write again in a little while with news of the Yatra also!