A.S.N.F (A Son Never Forgets)

11 years, 8 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports


all glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!! 

pamho  _____0_

hope u ar ok…

first of all I would like to apologize because I don’t write so often…

actually I feel more comfortable when talking to U on Skype


By the mercy of Radha and Krsna we have interesting experiencies in our life… we just try to understand and accept them as they are (their mercy)… <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" />

Our sadhana (16R,4P, 4AM, worship, reading) is ok… we would like it to be better so we are working on that…. a little bit away from devotees because of our ego… but keeping our service in pujari twice a week so it give us as a good excuse to see them and associate with some of them…

As I told U before I got a part-time job cooking for a family..i really feel it is Krsna’s hands cause for me it is very difficult to get a job…  it is going very well I have the opportunity to give them prasadam…

 Bhakti Sastri is great!!! I am not a good teacher but the students are so nice that I learn a lot from them… we have a very good group of matajis in Chile that culminate the course this year, and one godbrother from Tarapoto who started this year…

Brother Ass… well we can only say that we are here by Krsna’s mercy and of course yours too…  as u told me before this body doesn’t get a disease, this body is a disease

 Some projects for studying  but let see what krsna wants from us…

forgive me again for not writing so often on the blog…

thanks a lot for your patience…

always thinking a way to be useful for ur Sankirtan!!!

your servant Monkey warrior

Patrak Das <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/22.gif" title="" />

     ASA -  Jaya!   AGTSP.     paoho.  Yes, SKype is nice, but is also so important to post news here.  Your news is very nice.  This is new for us a lot.   What about NIMSAR?  There was going to be an "Identity" meeting with your CMDD, RDD et al and then you were going to contact us after you discussed what were the purposes, members etc of NIMSAR.   We called LAD. Health is so much better.  We try to get computer for him, internet!          Really Krsna wants us to be fully engaged to our limit!

  SUch nice fotos!!!!