Nitai Gaura

11 years, 9 months ago by GauraLilaDas in Other

Dear Srila HP Swami Maharaj

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga jayatah

Long time no speak! 

Some more Srimad Upadesamrta questions for your Holiness :)

I really appreciated Srila Narayana Maharaja's translation of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada's commentaries of Upadesamrta on your recommendation! Very helpful, but I'm wondering what your feelings on BR Sridhar Maharaja's translation/commentary?

          HpS - AGTSP  paoho.  I think I answered this in another letter that you sent. We just started to read Sridhara Maharaja's comments. They seem nice, inspiring.

Also, what is the signifigance of the white beadbag? is it important? some gaudiya camps say that this is a signifigant external part of a gaudiya devotee... I know that Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada used a white bead bag and all other acaryas seem to have...

ok, thank you for your time, come to dallas real soon!

your servant, Gauralila Dasa (Rtadhvaja Swami)

             HpS - Yes!   We answered this in another letter.   What usually happens is that we answer the letters between 3-10 days.  Usually we keep it to three. So, if there is no response in that time don't worry.  If it is URGENT.  Put URGENT in the Subject field.  We wait for your responses!