
11 years, 7 months ago by aja.govinda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj:

Please accept my most humble dandavata pranama. Jaya Srila Prabhupada and Jaya ASA, NIOS, and Bhati!

I will be returning to the USA in the end of June.

             HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP...  We will be in Denver then.  3 July we go to New Biharvan!

My parents are asking me to continue the treatment prescribed by Vaidya Nahar Singh of Hodal, a town which is 1 hour by car from Vrindavan. He is a nadi-vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor who diagnoses diseases through the pulse) and has Sanskrit Ayurvedic books based on which he cures many diseases. Nahar Singh has said that his treatment will continue for at least 10 months for me and he can only give one month's medicine at a time. However, I cannot stay in India that long as my Tulane professor is awaiting my starting the postdoc. My dilemma is that my mother wants me to stay in India indefinitely till I get treated, however, I have promised my Tulane professor that I will start the job in end of June.

Maharaj, you are so merciful for giving pearls of wisdom to us. It is a very interesting point that you mentioned - Why not get to Sannyasa???   Kardama Muni did it?    It is based on Yukta vairagya not impersonal renunciation. Renounce to become more intimate with everyone! - This is something I never thought about. I always thought that this stage is always going to be too advanced for me. However, you have clarified my vision that when a Vaisnava performs tyaga, they don't give it up, but they give up the desire to enjoy it. We need to renounce our desire to enjoy the world. The sannyasi gives up one small family to make the whole world his family. 

Maharaj, sometimes I feel that I am a theoretical devotee in the sense that it is easy for me to talk about the theory but bringing it into practice is so difficult. It is so difficult to give up the desire for enjoyment.


                    HpS - ASA --  Ha!    Ha!    Ha!                We see that a lot of our "material" enjoyment is just natural demands of the sense.   We think we are sleeping too much, but it is not a fact.  We have a different life and body than Rupa Goswami. The thing is too purify our enjoyment.  Probably there is good reason why we are addicted to a certain type of movies or sport etc.  Find out what it is and purify the attachemnt, no?

             2.  Medicine or PhD.   Why not ask the Doctor?????