Dandava das has been born

11 years, 8 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All glories to Sirla Prabhupada (my new Grand Father now).

Thousands of thanks to accept me as your disciple. I only hope to give you all better things, my service, etc ... Thank you again to listen me and answer to my silly questions.

When i asked you about how can i help you my service with, you replied me that in your university project. But i didn't ask what specific thing. Might you want to answer me more specifically. I'm so sorry because i don't speak english very well and i wished talk more with you face to face. It's more easy fo me writing.

There're more things to do in madrid and arround the world (May be ...).

The last days have been the most amazing of my life (40 years old of life).

I could not say you good bye, but Carcika devi dasi and me try to go to New Vrajamandala.

Now let me put the links of some videos of yours conferences and clases in Madrid for other devotees:





Please, rest in New Vrajamandala.

Thank you for all, Gurudev. At your lotus feet.

Your newborn servant, Dandava das.

                HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP...  Thank you...  Was nice to see you in New Vraja. also.  The university programs we see in three categories: 1) With Dr. Samaresh and India, 2) USA which is very slow now, 3) South America which was described in a recent letter und the filter of Calendar Development.    In Madrid again, it seems the best thing is just to try to get to know the devotees then on that basis see how you can help.